SH-51/265th W. Avenue Intersection Modification in Tulsa County


Median U-Turn (MUT) Intersection Information

How will the SH-51 Median U-Turn (MUT) work?

  • All north and southbound traffic on 265th/263rd W. Avenue will stop at the intersection with SH-51.

  • Traffic wanting to turn right will do so as they do today.

  • Traffic wanting to cross SH-51 or turn left will first turn right, then use a nearby highway median opening to make a U-turn and go back the opposite direction toward 265th/263rd W. Avenue.

  • Similarly, traffic on SH-51 wanting to turn left on 265th/263rd W. Avenue will drive past 265th/263rd W. Avenue, use the U-turn and then return to 265th/263rd W. Avenue and turn right.

  • Additional pavement will be added to the outside of the highway at the U-turn locations to accommodate large vehicles such as trucks and buses.

  • The existing median openings at 265th/263rd W. Avenue and the 51 West Storage driveway will also be closed.


Please view the short video below to see how the Median U-Turn Intersection at SH-51/256th W. Avenue will work.

MUT Intersections

A Median U-Turn, or MUT is an intersection design that restricts left turns at an intersection, but allows the same movement downstream via a U-turn. The MUT falls under a group of strategies often referred to as conflict point management. The goal of an MUT is to restrict or relocate certain movements to improve a road’s overall safety and reduce delays. The basic MUT restricts the incoming and outgoing side streets to right turn movements only. Vehicles that want to turn left, or cross to the opposite side street, must do so indirectly by first turning right onto the mainline, weaving across to the left most lane to complete a U-turn, and then traveling back to the intersection in question to complete their desired movement. Some MUT intersections, like the one proposed for SH-51 and 265th W. Avenue, also relocate the mainline left turns, directing those movements beyond the intersection to the U-turn location.

Benefits: Improved Safety

A conventional two-way stop intersection on a 4-lane divided highway has 42 conflict points, or potential collision locations.

The MUT intersection reduces the number of conflict points and eliminates the most dangerous crossing conflict points.

ODOT has installed a Median U-Turn on US-75 at the Cherokee Casino north of Ramona, OK.  This MUT serves the casino access. Please click the photos below to view the Median U-Turn.

Median U-Turn intersection at Cherokee Casino, overview facing north.


Median U-Turn intersection at Cherokee Casino, street view facing north. Note directional sign.


Median U-Turn intersection at Cherokee Casino, street view facing south. Note additional pavement on the east side of US-75.